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A reliable, time tested solution to unmask antigen on formalin-fixed sections

Aptum Biologics Ltd.
38 Baker's Drove
SO16 8AD
United Kingdom
Support Inquiry
You can write us aregular e-mail addressed to info@aptum-bio.com or mg@aptum-bio.com.
For emergencies: please send SMS to
+44 7722 675 550, we will return you the call withing 24 hours.
You may also call us +447450 461235 (10 am - 6 pm GMT)
If you need to send a fax, please send it to :
+44 (0) 2380 051061
If you require any help starting with Retriever, orepating it, or have a specific issue with particular antibody, buffer, tissue type etc. please contact us using the form
Many general questions are answered at our FAQa section
We also discuss news on Retriever use and other IHC issues at our blog
Other Offers from Aptum
Unique Software from Aptum
for Protein Sequence Analysis
Adjuvant, Peptides, and Antibody Development
écupération d'antigène, 抗原检索
antigen vyhledávání,
antigen hentning,antigen herstel,
antigeeni otsing, antigeeni haku
ανάκτηση αντιγόνου
אנטיגן אחזור
antigene recupero
항원 검색
antigenas paieška
antigen gjenfinning
بازیابی آنتی ژن
مستضد استرجاع
odzyskiwanie antigen
recuperação antigênica
antigen de regăsire
антигена преузимање
antígeno de recuperación de
antijen alımı
مائجن بازیافت
paraffin immunohistochemistry
البارافين المناعية
parafín imunohistochemie
paraffin immunhistokemi
paraffine immunohistochemie
parafiini immunohistokemiallisesti
immunohistochimie paraffine
Paraffin Immunhistochemie
פרפין אימונוהיסטוכימיה
paraffina immunoistochimica
ανοσοϊστοχημεία παραφίνη
imunohistoquímica parafina
парафин иммуногистохимия
inmunohistoquímica de parafina
parafin immünhistokimya
paraffin immunohistokemi
Aptum Biologics announces the release of novel unique software, EpiQuest for the analysis of primary protein sequences.
Whether you are planning to prepare a specific antibody, or develop a vaccine, or serum assay, you may want to use the novel possibilities presented by this package of programs.
Our unique range of patented adjuvants allow to achieve up to 30 times higher antibody production levels then with regular CFA /IFA immunization, especially for weakly immunogenic fusion proteins. We offer wide range of antibody-developmen and related services. Projects performed in EU and US.